Thursday, April 21, 2011

The First Month-

I hit a little road bump - my first (and hopefully last) cold of the season, and it was a good one. It's quite difficult to run when you can't breath out your noise and you coughing up a lung. But, I'm back at it now.

I had a nice trip to Arizona with my love, and I was dedicated to getting up each morning a running on the treadmill. You see, I won't ever venture out in an area that I am not familiar with. Why, well, I'm as directionally challenged as they come and the emotional upset it creates when I'm lost makes it not worth it.

Yesterday I got back out and ran 3 miles after not running for a week.. It felt amazing. I am taking Kyle's advice (Kyle is Bill's son, who by the way has run the NY Marathon, the Boston Marathon and has his first 100K at the end of this month) and getting rid of my ipod. His advise to me was to keep distractions to a minimum and focus on the run itself, so that is what I will do. I have ran twice now without it, and you know, he's right. When I get tired, I tend to focus on "things", I'm hot, my knee is bothering, my ear buds are to tight, etc., and these past two runs I didn't have that. In fact, today I ran 2 miles and when I got back home I thought "that was easy", which means I probably should have ran farther.

I had a moment of doubt on Monday and said to Hailee "Maybe we over over reaching and should just do the 1/2 marathon". She stopped me dead in my tracks with the retort of "Why? Everyone has it in them to do a marathon mom"! Oh the wisdom. She's right, I'm GOING to do this, I'm not going to even care about putting a time on it, just as long as I finish.

One day at a time, one mile at a time. Our first race (10K) is coming in 1st week of May! Looking forward to it.

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